
Influenza A+B

The flu can cause mild to severe symptoms, such as high fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, cough, and even death. These illnesses usually begin after exposure to the influenza virus in the person-to-person respiratory epithelial cell by sneezing, coughing, or touching contaminated surfaces.

Preventive measure is highly necessary for people at increased risk of serious illness, so early and differential diagnosis between influenza A or B types is very essential.

This product is intended for in vitro diagnostic medical devices with which infection of influenza A or B can be determined in 10 minutes, much faster and easier than conventional diagnostic methods like PCR or viral culture. which takes more than 24 to 48 hours for diagnosis.

Sample Type: Nasal Sample

Working range: ≥ 0.68 RFU

Brand : Boditech
